Last week, I promised my husband that if the weather was good today, Sunday, that I would go with him and help him set up his stuff at a local flea market. I really wasn't crazy about the idea-basically it was the idea of waking up super early that made the idea crazy. But, after some thought I decided that it would be a great opportunity to get out of the house and take some pics of cool stuff I know is going to be there.
The first cool thing I came upon was this Mallard Duck lamp. Too bad they had placed the sales sticker right over the eye. This piece stood about 16 inches tall and lit up from the back. If I had had $45 this would have been mine.

The next cool thing to catch my eye was this unicycle. I haven't seen one in years, never tried it-I'm sure I'd break my neck. Cool find for $20.00

Wow! Led Zeppelin on vinyl! Why didn't I buy this? The cover is so cool-only $5.00-this totally takes me back to my childhood in the '70's.

Bottle time-I love bottles! This one was really cool~why didn't I buy this? It was only $4.00, a Beam whiskey decanter in the shape of the State of New Hampshire.

This was a cool green plate with a nice fish and a seahorse for only $2.00. I should have bought this.

This was a crazy ax blade and super sharp, too. The sellers had this strategically positioned to cut your gut if you leaned over the table. I never found out how much they were asking for it...cool piece anyway.

Carnival glass--oooo, I love this stuff. I should have bought this, it was only $4.00. I think there should have been a lid, doesn't matter, still a beautiful item.

The same seller who had the carnival glass had this really pretty Jadeite vase. It was only $10.00 I really should have bought this.

Now, here's something you don't see everyday. A yellow bottom section of a manaquin with a missing foot and blue boxer shorts. No one was selling this, it was just kinda hanging around in the middle of nowhere. This was so well worth getting up early for!

Old enamel slop pot~really nice condition for $10.00 The ones I usually see have lots of chips in the enamel. This one still has the wooden handle.

Being a country flea market, there was plenty of livestock for sale. Here are some ducks or geese, not sure. They also have turkeys, roosters and chickens. This section of the sale kinda bothers me-so I was out of this area pretty fast.

Old phonograph, made by Brunswick. The seller never could come up with a price, I guess they really didn't want to sell it. It was cool to look at anyway.

This was a good find for $10.00--no chips, or cracks--everything was really nice about it. I really should have bought this, I just don't know what I would have done with it. Cookies don't last long enough in my house to make it into a cookie jar.

Did I ever buy anything at this flea market-you bet! My husband found this really cool cat bottle, but he wasn't sure if I would want it. What?!? Of course I would--its got my favorite things wrapped up in one package. Number one-its a cat. Number 2-its glass and number 3-its cobalt blue. Great find for $2.00!!

All in all it was a great day and I'm happy that I went.